Hello 6th-9th grade parents!
I know your child has just finished his/her first quarter of school, but the next four years are going to fly by! With that in mind, we have started our first fundraiser towards the combined Band/Music trip. This trip will occur during SPRING BREAK in 2020.
We will offer at least two fundraisers a year to help with the costs of the trip. The trip we took last school year cost approximately $975 per person. That money went towards the charter buses (the bulk of the cost), hotel costs, a Broadway show, three evening meals, and multiple entry fees to a myriad of activities.
Besides fundraisers, you can deposit money directly each year. Some parents were able to plan ahead and pay $250 each year (or whatever amount they were comfortable with) to help spread the cost over a longer period of time.
If your child eventually ends up not going on the trip, any money directly deposited will be refunded to you (as long as it is before the travel company deadline for deposits; you will be given plenty of notice about that in the future). Any money earned from fundraisers will go towards the general music trip fund.
The fundraiser packet the students have now is due back by Tuesday, Nov. 8th. All items must be paid for BEFORE the order will be placed. Checks can be made out to Mid-Prairie. Items will be delivered to the school on Tuesday, December 6th. If your child has people order online, I believe those items are shipped directly to the customer.
Please remember, it is NOT REQUIRED that your child participate in this fundraiser. We are doing this as an attempt to help with the eventual cost of the music trip. When students go out to sell, they can also ask their potential customers if they would like to make a small direct donation instead. 100% of the donation will go to his/her account. With the fundraisers, it is approximately 40% of the total sold. Whatever profit your student makes from the fundraiser goes directly towards his/her account. It does NOT go into a general fund (unless they don’t go on the trip).
We will also be handing out a poinsettia fundraiser this week, too. The poinsettias will be coming from Reha Greenhouses here in Wellman.
If you have any questions, please let me know!
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